Monday 15 December 2008

fat kid who Is to blame

Overweight children often suffer at school from teasing about their appearance and stereotypes regarding their character, due to preconceptions that overweight children are "lazy" or "have no feelings".

They are often subjected to exclusion by their peers, which can affect their emotional well-being.

Many obese children are so embarrassed by their bodies that they try and disguise the problem by wearing oversized but unflattering clothes.

They are also reluctant to take part in any sports, particularly swimming, where they feel vulnerable and exposed.

This avoidance of physical activity is an obvious compounding of the problem, as the child's health will decline further and they may become increasingly isolated and become depressed.

Childhood obesity is medically far more serious than most parents realise. Plus, many parents do not realise how overweight children are. Over 40 percent of parents of overweight children are misguided in their belief that their children are within the average weight range.

Many incorrectly assume that childhood obesity is 'baby fat' and that the child will grow out of it. Overweight children are usually found in families where one or both parents are overweight.

This is generally because the family consume too much "junk" food, rather than eating fresh, nutritionally balanced meals, combined with a sedentary lifestyle spent watching TV and playing computer games, rather than doing physical, outdoor activities.

Children should be encouraged from an early age to live a healthy and active lifestyle. However, the parents are the main role models for any child. So, the parents must take responsibility for the health and well being of their child.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that the child is the one that has to bear the consequences of the actions, or inaction, of the parents. It is the child that has to put up with the long-term social and health issues, through no fault of its own.

Although childhood obesity is a growing problem, it is a mistake to focus just on 'overweight', unhealthy kids. We need to be looking at the family as a whole, especially the parents and keep in mind the causes of childhood obesity.

Author Bio : Peter Abbott

Peter has helped thousands of families tackle the distressing issue of children and obesity.  His website at will provide parents with a guaranteed solution to the "single greatest tragedy facing our society today" (Former President Bill Clinton)

childhoodobesitystatistics: childhood obesity statistics

childhoodobesitystatistics: childrens obesity

Article Source:

fat kid and trampolines

Childhood obesity statistics and trampolines? You may think off trampolines as the perfect tool for keeping the children quiet in the garden for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon but the truth is that they are in fact an excellent form of exercise for adults also. In a country where over 25 percent of the adult population is recorded clinically obese, it's clearly time to change our lifestyles and start becoming more active.

In 2006, statistics from the NHS claimed that while there are high obesity figures for both genders, women do seem to be struggling with their weight more so than men. Using BMI figures and waist circumferences, they found that 21 percent of men are at a very high health risk and 23 percent of women. Sadly, these figures are not isolated to adults alone; 16 percent of children aged 2 to 15 were also classed as obese.

These worrying figures demonstrate the need to encourage our children to get outdoors and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle and the best way to do this, is for them to learn by example from us parents.

The NHS figures revealed that 3 in 10 adults admit to taking part in no form of exercise over the past 12 months. Investing in trampolines for your garden is an excellent way to change these figures. It's a great way to keep fit and toned and have fun at the same time.

Two of the biggest reasons people give for not exercising are finding it boring and not having the time. For many, the idea of thumping away on the treadmill at the gym or joining a team in a game of football is simply not their idea of an enjoyable weekend. However exercise on trampolines can be accommodated to fit with the tightest schedule. You can work out from the comfort of your own home with no judging eyes peering at you and once you've made the initial purchase, it won't cost you a thing. With no fee-per-bounce and no one else competing for the equipment, you can enjoy the benefits before or after work or any time over the weekends.

Trampolines have always been great fun for children also and are a great way to burn up their excitable energy. You can even make the whole exercise a family occasion. Children always learn by example and watching their parents keeping active and having fun at the same time is a great way to keep your children active.

If however you don't have room in the garden for an outdoors trampoline but are still interested in carrying out the same exercises, you could invest in a trampoline rebounder. These are much more compact and can even be put in front of the TV so you bounce while you watch. They will fit in to any room and can even slide under your bed out of sight when it's not in use.

There are many different trampolines available on the market so you just need to find one to suit your needs. Bouncing is a great way to have fun and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness while having a healthy cardiovascular workout, building up your stamina and strength in your muscles as well as fuelling your body's organs with extra oxygen.

And keeping those child obesity statistics under control!
Dominic Donaldson is an expert in the health and fitness industry.
Find out more about trampolines and take a look at the health benefits for adults and children.

childhoodobesitystatistics: childhood obesity statistics

childhoodobesitystatistics: fat kids

Article Source:

Peter Abbott has helped thousands of families tackle the distressing issue of children and obesity.  His website at will provide parents with a guaranteed solution to the "single greatest tragedy facing our society today" (Former President Bill Clinton)